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Adepto Technical Recruitment partner with VMIC.

Adepto Technical Recruitment specialises in the supply of permanent staff and contractors to the UK and European life sciences sector. One of the solutions that we offer is to work on an exclusive basis with specific clients in order to manage a discrete recruitment programme or project, and we are delighted to announce one such collaboration with The Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre, where we will be responsible for the assembly of VMIC’s Manufacturing and QC teams.

Working exclusively with clients in this way creates several key benefits:

  • A controlled message that is projected to the market, which safeguards and enhances the client’s brand and values.

  • A more intimate knowledge of the client’s culture, environment, aims and objectives, which allows for a more effective recruitment service.

  • A consistent and positive candidate experience with each application being handled fairly, compliantly and professionally.

  • Stronger management and commitment to key hiring milestones and targets.

  • Assistance and support in all aspects of the hiring process, from generation of job descriptions to salary and benefits benchmarking and interview process, which saves a great deal of HR and hiring manager time.

  • Numerous commercial and administrative efficiencies that can be realised by the client which ultimately save both time and money.

What is VMIC?

The Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC) has been established to provide the UK’s first strategic vaccine development and advanced manufacturing capability.  VMIC will fast track development and manufacture of early stage vaccine products, as well as serve as the UK’s response capability to produce vaccines against emerging infectious diseases. They have already taken a leading role in the Government’s national response to COVID-19. 

New starters can expect to join an exciting fast paced organisation, with ambitious growth plans. With a flat structure, employees will have exposure to senior leaders and be part of an organisation that has a start-up mentality but is backed by UK Government, and industry and academic founders. 

Working through collaborative ventures with industry, academia and NGOs, VMIC will ultimately strengthen and innovate the UK’s vaccines sector. Their state-of-the-art vaccines manufacturing facility will be located on the renowned Harwell Science and Innovation Campus near Didcot in Oxfordshire.

Our VMIC Vacancies